FreePBX 13 SSL - LetsEncrypt geeft Curl fout in Fpbx 13

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Freepbx v 13 geeft een Curl fout an bij het vernieuwen van het Letsencrypt SSL certificaat

Dit is een bug welke et de hand gecorrigeerd dient te worden op de SSH middels de volgende commando's Bron:
rm /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt to remove the symlink to /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem
curl -o /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt -k
fwconsole certificate --updateall

Controleer daarna in de web interface of alles correct is. Zie Sysadmin HTTPS certificaat en 'Firewall Settings Advanced' of de Letsencrypt server toegestaan is.

We came across the same issue. Looks like the issue is not a module error, the error comes from curl, and it will happen with any connection from the PBX in question to a site with a LE certificate. The CA bundle on FPBX13 seems to be from 2015, and does not have the latest LE Root CA (probably still referencing to the one they decommissioned not too long ago). FPBX13 is EOL and is not getting updates any longer.