Difference between revisions of "FreePBX Menu.conf"

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Kopieer deze content middels de gui bij [config edit] in het bestand freepbx_menu.conf
Kopieer deze content middels de gui bij [config edit] in het bestand freepbx_menu.conf
{{freepbxmenu|; This is an optional configuration file used to rearrange your menu navigation
<sub>; This is an optional configuration file used to rearrange your menu navigation
; in the FreePBX GUI. To enable it, change the name to freepbx_menu.conf and put
; in the FreePBX GUI. To enable it, change the name to freepbx_menu.conf and put
; in the desired configuration. Lines starting with ";" are comments.
; in the desired configuration. Lines starting with ";" are comments.
Line 303: Line 303:
[sangomacrm] category=Diverse
[sangomacrm] category=Diverse
name=CRM Sangoma
name=CRM Sangoma

Revision as of 15:27, 27 January 2020

Nederlands aangepast menu. Kopieer deze content middels de gui bij [config edit] in het bestand freepbx_menu.conf

; This is an optional configuration file used to rearrange your menu navigation

in the FreePBX GUI. To enable it, change the name to freepbx_menu.conf and put
in the desired configuration. Lines starting with ";" are comments.
You must also enable the Advanced Diverse "Use freepbx_menu.conf Configuration"
Om dit menu te activeren moet je in freepbx geavanceerde instellingen ook Use-freepbx_menu.conf-Configuration inschakelen
It provdes the followming options
- Move menu items to different categories
- Create New Categories
- Rename the item
- Remove menu items that you don't want displayed
- Change the sort order of items
If you create a new cateogry called "Favorites" it will
be the first tab, all others are alphabetical.
The following examples provide you with a demonstration of how you
might go about changing a setup.
name=Find-Me Follow
Deze file freepbx_menu.conf is aangepast door 4allbusiness.nl
Specifiek voor Freepbx 2.11
Wiki is de link Freepbx Support in de GUI

[FreePBX Support] remove=yes


[ampusers] move=Admin [sysadmin] move=Pbx Systeem name=Sysadmin - Netwerk/Herstart/Beveiliging/etc

[index] category=Admin

[extensions] category=Extensie Accounts name=Extensies - Toestel Account Beheer [bulkhandler] category=Extensie Accounts name=Bulk Import-Export [fax] category=Extensie Accounts name=Fax naar Email Settings [customextens] category=Extensie Accounts name=Custom Extensions - Aangepaste Extensies [bulkextensions] category=Extensie Accounts name=Bulk - Multi Extensie Beheer [findmefollow] category=Extensie Accounts name=FollowMe - Extensie VolgMij Beheer [digium_phones] category=Extensie Accounts name=Digium Telefoons

In/Uitgaand Verkeer

[did] category=In/Uitgaand Verkeer name=DID - Inbound Verkeer Routeren [routing] category=In/Uitgaand Verkeer name=Routing - Outbound verkeer Routeren [zapchandids] category=In/Uitgaand Verkeer [trunks] category=In/Uitgaand Verkeer name=Trunks - Providers [bulkdids] category=In/Uitgaand Verkeer name=BulkDIDs - Inbound Verkeer Bulk Management [calllimit] category=In/Uitgaand Verkeer name=Outbound Call Limit - Beperk Uitgaande Kanalen [sipstation] category=In/Uitgaand Verkeer name=SIPstation - ProviderSchmooze [dahdichandids] category=In/Uitgaand Verkeer [dahdi] category=In/Uitgaand Verkeer

PBX Functies

[voicemail_report] category= Pbx Functies name=Voicemail Report - Commerciele Module [vmnotify] category= Pbx Functies name=Vocemail Notify - Comerciele Module [callerid] category= Pbx Functies name=CallerId Manegement - Commerciele module [broadcast] category= Pbx Functies name=BroadCast - Commerciele Module XactDialer [areminder] category= Pbx Functies name=Apointment Reminder - Afspraak Herinneringen [disa] category= Pbx Functies name=DISA - PBX Inbel Module [recordings] category= Pbx Functies name=Recordings - Spraak Berichten Inspreken of Uploaden [cidlookup] category= Pbx Functies name=CallerID Lookup - Nummerweergave Bronnen [conferences] category= Pbx Functies name=ConferenceCall - Conferentie Gesprekken [customdests] category= Pbx Functies [blacklist] category= Pbx Functies name=Blacklist - Nummers Blokkeren [music] category= Pbx Functies name=MusicOnHold - Muziek in Wachtstand [announcement] category= Pbx Functies name=Announcement - Spraak Berichten Routes [daynight] category= Pbx Functies name=CallFlow Control - DagNacht Functie [ivr] category= Pbx Functies name=IVR-Menu - Digitale Recptioniste of Keuzemenu [phonebook] category= Pbx Functies name=Phonebook - Asterisk Telefoonboek [dundicheck] category= Pbx Functies [parking] category= Pbx Functies name=Parking - Gesprek Wacht Plaatsen [voicemail] category= Pbx Functies [pinsets] category= Pbx Functies name=Pinsets - PincodeBeheer voor bv OutboundRoutes [callrecording] category= Pbx Functies name=CallRecording - Opname in CallFlow [directory] category= Pbx Functies [languages] category= Pbx Functies name=Taal wijzigen In Flow [miscapps] category=Pbx Functies [miscdests] category=Pbx Functies [paging] category=Pbx Functies name=Paging - Intercom Functie [queueprio] category=Pbx Functies name=Queues - Wachtrij Prioriteitsfunctie [queues] category=Pbx Functies name=Queues - Wachtrijen [queuemetrics] category=Pbx Functies name=Queuemetrics IVR log [ringgroups] category=Pbx Functies name=Ring Groups - Nummer Groepen [setcid] category=Pbx Functies [timeconditions] category=Pbx Functies name=Tijd Gestuurde Routes [timegroups] category=Pbx Functies name=Tijden Voor Gestuurde Groepen [vmblast] category=Pbx Functies [hotelwakeup] category=Pbx Functies name=WakeupCalls - Wekker Functie [motif] category=Pbx Functies name=GoogleVoice [ttsengines] category=Pbx Functies name=TekstNaarSpraak [callback] category=Pbx Functies name=CallBack - Terugbel Functies [superfecta] category=Pbx Functies name=CallerID Lookup Superfecta InternetBronnen [conferencespro] category=Pbx Functies name=Conferences Pro [pannounce] category=Pbx Functies name=Park en Announce [queuecallback] category=Pbx Functies name=Queue - Callback [tts] category=Pbx Functies name=TextToSpeech - Tekst naar Spraak [vqueue] category=Pbx Functies name=Queue - VirtualQueue [webcallback] category=Pbx Functies name=WebCallback


[firewall] category=Admin name=Firewall [featurecodeadmin] category=Admin name=PBX Functies *-Codes Beheer [digiumaddons] category=Admin name=Digium Asterisk AddOn Beheer [backup] category=Admin name=Backup en Herstel Beheer [iaxsettings] category=Admin name=Asterisk-IAX Instellingen [sipsettings] category=Admin name=Asterisk-SIP Instellingen [general] category=Admin name=Algemene PBX Instellingen [cli] category=Admin name=Asterisk CLI Commando Invoer [javassh] category=Admin name=Java SSH CommandLine [languagestatus] category=Admin [manager] category=Admin name=Asterisk API RemoteToegang [outroutemsg] category=Admin name=Mislukte Uitgaande Gespreks Afhandeling [phpagiconf] category=Admin [logfiles_settings] category=Admin name=Asterisk LogFile Settings sort=-1 [ampusers] category=Admin name=Gebruikers Beheer Oud - Fpbx [userman] category=Admin name=Gebruikers Beheer UCP - UserControlPanel [modules] name=Admin name=Module Beheer - Update/Actief [advancedsettings] category=Admin name=Advanced Settings - Geavanceerde Instellingen [soundlang] category=Admin name=Sounds - Taalpakketen [arimanager] category=Admin [freepbx_ha] category=Admin


[cdr] category=Rapport name=Gespreks Rapportage CDRs FPBX [index] category=Rapport [dashboard] category=Rapport name=Startpagina Systeem Status sort=+9 [phpinfo] category=Rapport

Asterisk Log bekijken

[logfiles] category=Rapport name=Asterisk LogFiles sort=+5 [asternic_cdr] category=Rapport name=Gespreks Rapportage CDRs Asternic [printextensions] category=Rapport name=Overzicht Extensies en PBX *-Codes [extensionsettings] category=Rapport name=Overzicht Extensie Statussen [weakpasswords] category=Rapport name=Password Controle Veiligheid [asteriskinfo] category=Rapport name=Asterisk Info - Info Registraties, Queues, etc [recording_report] category=Rapport name=Gesprek Recordings [cel] category=Rapport name=Gesprek CallEventLogging CEL [pinset_report] category=Rapport [queuecallbackreport] category=Rapport [qxact_admin] category=Rapport [qxact_reports] category=Rapport [restapi_logs] category=Rapport [queuestats] category=Rapport name=Queue Wallboard


[ucp] category=UserPanels name=UCP - Gebruikers Control Panel [isymphony_menu] category=UserPanels name=iSymphony Paneel Login [isymphony] category= UserPanels name=iSymphony FlashPanel [fop2_menu] category=User Panels name=Fop2 - FlashOperatorPanel Login [fop2users] category=UserPanels name=Fop2-Config Gebruikers [fop2buttons] category=UserPanels name=Fop2-Config Knoppen [fop2permissions] category=UserPanels name=Fop2-Config Permissies [fop2templates] category=User Panels name=Fop2-Config Templates [fop2groups] category=UserPanels name=Fop2-Config Groepen [userpaneltab] category=UserPanels name=Asterisk Gebruikerspaneel [fop2tab] category=UserPanels name=Fop2 Paneel Login [fop2plugins] category=UserPanels name=Fop2 Plugins [sendfax] category=UserPanels name=Fax Versturen Middels AsteriskGebruikerspaneel [calendar] category=Diverse name=Calender [calendargroups] category=Diverse name=Calender Groepen [amd] category=Diverse name=AMD AnswerMachineDetection [filestore] category=Diverse name=Filestore [cos] category=Diverse name=COS ClassOfService [api] category=Diverse name=API [customcontexts] category=Diverse [customcontextsadmin] category=Diverse [epm_oss] category=Extensie Accounts

   name=Provision OSS EndPointMananer

[endpoint] category=Extensie Accounts name=Provision Endpoint Manager Commercial [cxpanel_menu] category=Diverse [cxpanel] category=Diverse [vega] category=Diverse [pms] category=Diverse name=PMS PropertyManager Hotel functie [sangomacrmrest] category=Diverse name=CRM Api Settings [sangomacrm] category=Diverse name=CRM Sangoma